Thursday, November 13, 2014

What was your first #Zombie Movie?

Making my rounds in the Zombie Community or as I coined it a few years ago "Zommunity", I notice that alot of people that are fans of the genre were introduced to it by watching George Romero's 1978 "Dawn of the Dead".

I have also heard some say the 1990 version of "Night of the Living Dead" as well as the 2004 "Dawn of the Dead" remake.

Well, the very first #zombie movie I ever watched was a little known cult classic titled "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things".

This movie is about a small troupe of amateur actors and actresses that decide to visit a cemetery island off of New York City.

On their little adventure, the groups leader Alan "played by Alan Ormsby, director of Porky's", decides that it is a great idea to dabble in a little "satanic" ceremony meant to resurrect the dead. To their dismay, it appeared like it did not work, but then decided to bring a corpse back to an abandoned house and have a mock celebration honoring him. The movie ends with zombies coming out of the ground, surrounding the house, and people getting their just desserts.

This still remains one of my favorite zombie movies of all time! If you are a true zombie genre fan, this title makes an excellent addition to your the collection. It is available on dvd!

p.s.: There is talk of a remake!

Thorn |>


  1. Omega Man
    probably the first viral - zombie movie ever made.
    Many of you have seen the re-make
    I Am Legend
    Staring Will Smith

  2. Thats the Charleton Heston one. There was an older version with Vincent Price titled "The Last Man on Earth". Both are excellent versions Mr. GC! Thnx for mentioning!
